Gus Kandilas
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and Certified Athletic Therapist
Gus is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, a Certified Athletic Therapist, and a Registered Kinesiologist.
After having graduated of the University of Windsor and holding a Master’s degree from Indiana State University in Athletic Therapy, in 2003, Gus completed his degree in Osteopathic Manual Practice from the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Toronto.
He uses his skill sets as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and a Certified Athletic Therapist in his clinical practice. Gus is the owner of the Burlington Centre for Osteopathy and Athletic Therapy, where he works with a dynamic group of practitioners.
Gus has taught for over 25 years at York University in the Athletic Therapy Certificate program, which falls under the umbrella of Kinesiology and Health Science.
Since 2015, Gus has also taught at the Ontario Academy of Progressive Osteopathy in Toronto.
In addition to teaching and clinical practice, Gus has represented Canada in both National and International games and events as a therapist:
- Chief therapist at the ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships in 2004
- Chief therapist at the World Kickboxing Championships in 2005
- Chief therapist at the World Karate Championships in Bremen Germany
- Lead Medical Practitioners for Combative Sports (including Karate) at the 2015 Pan AM Games in Toronto.
As the Medical Director for Karate Canada and Combative Sports Canada (CASK), Gus has also been involved with several National and International Championships with these sports.
Gus has been a board member with different National and Provincial organizations related to Athletic Therapy, and is currently a board member with the Ontario Athletic Therapist Association, in the role of Education and Scope of Practice.